September 26, 2011

Damian Michaels: Visionary extrodinaire

Born on the Eve of Halloween 1969 in the United States, Damian Michaels tells he had a spirit visitation from his deceased cousin Annie, at the age of 7. On his beinArt profile he states, "[...] Annie revealed my destiny and the future of our planet through a series of intense visions. Although always having a connection with the spirit realm since those early years, the main form of contact with the 'other side' in my adult life has been primarily through my art, where I am more medium than artist, bringing forth that which wants to be manifest through me."

Michaels migrated to Australia in 1994 and started his own magazine, called Art Visionary, " to collect with those of like mind and to share our collective vision with the world." He also says something rather lovely about visionary art: "it's the spiritual, psychological and emotional mirror to the collective consciousness." He ends his profile description with, "This reflection (our art) of our inner most core reveals those dualities of dark and light, good and evil, fears and hopes and ultimately a way to find the balance and transcend the path of materialism and destruction humanity has chosen to embrace."

My Conscience

A New Dawn

A Higher Consciousness


His flickr not only includes his work but also artists displayed in his magazine.

1 comment:

  1. To console myself over the loss of my blogged projects [which have since miraculously reappeared:], I have embarked upon a multi-platform "blogbook" word opera on four major blog platforms. I am trying out their various options to create a variety of appearances (and to assure that the loss of one will not negate the project). The overall title/theme is "Year of Prophecies".

    Here's where I am so far on the content, which is destined to go through changes:
