September 30, 2011

Inspiration of the day

Om and chakras by Flincus

Tus Tres Ojos Lunares by Daffnet

Olive M on flickr


Box: Part one by Mushroooms

Peace by theDIZZYedge

Mushrooms by Rodulfo

Pale Neighbours of Veresk by AldemButcher

Vishnu108: Spiritual gifs of Hindu deities

VISHNU108 makes gifs of gods and goddesses of the likes of Ganesh, Shiva, Saraswati, Krishna, and even Jesus (and if you dwell enough into their gallery, you'll even find Superman, not that he's a god but he does bring some humor to the table). These soothing, animated beauties bring peace and spiritual calmness to whomever sets their eyes to them.

Ganesh Lamps

Rama Temple

Govinda Lotus Eyed

September 29, 2011

Inspiration of the day

Seafoam by Carly Elizabeth Schmidtt

Flowers by Dodonpa

Flower Child by aspartamee

Sepraven: worlds of watercolor fantasy

Every time I look at sepraven's work, I feel like I'm transported into an underwater magic world, where I have powers to mold water and befriend jellyfish.

Free Spirit



Zeljko Djurovic: painter of goddesses of color

Djurovic was born on December 12th, 1956 in Danilovgrad, Montenegro. Of his roots, he says, "I am Mediterranean by birth. My first painting was made on a beach in Montenegro on hot sand, and I remember that I was sad when a wave destroyed it." He tells that human sexuality -whether it be half-naked bodies displayed on the beach, or his own experiences later on- impact his artwork greatly. Speaking eloquently of the Universe, he says something very reminiscent of a famous quote by Thomas Edison: "I have only one way to express myself through art, and while seeking it I take thousands of wrong ways; they all prove to me that only that one way is the right way, and unavoidable. [...] The light that would give them color, luminosity, warmth, smell, touch and a new world free of weight – the space at the end of the world, at the point where the sea and the earth meet, the place that we have forgotten and to which we always return, the beginning of everything." The last bit, a beautiful and near perfect description of his paintings.

Time when Gods where Walking on Earth

Mutual Remembrance


(Thomas Edison quote: I have not failed 10,000 times. I have successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work")

September 28, 2011

Ema Trapsa (aspartamee): glittered flower childs

Ema Trapsa (at least I believe this is her name as it says so on her flickr profile) is a psychedelic fairy queen, and that is all you need to know. She has a deviantart (also check out her old account, trimethylxanthine137), flickr, and tumblr.

My Mind Craves Nectar


Let It All Out

September 27, 2011

Lauren Albert: if models turned zombies they would look something like this

On her website, Lauren Albert (aka LaLa) describes herself as a "master of psychedelic figures and worlds". The artwork displayed on her flickr -with several colorful sketches of these lady monsters in the nude, dripping words and melting faces- doesn't showcase much of her reputed mastery at psychedelic worlds, but as for figures, she is a master at that. Disturbing, yet creepily beautiful characters, in 2008 she received her B.F.A. in Illustration from Moore College of Art in Philadelphia, according to Le Poisson Rouge. Afterwards, she moved to Brooklyn, where she's based at now. She also has a tumblr and blogspot.

Space Face

Come Closerer

Mia Calderone: twisted erotica

An article by Steel Bananas says Mia was born from an American mother and Puerto Rican father. At the age of seven, she moved to Sao Paulo, Brazil with her father where "she found a heavy aesthetic influence in the Catholic Church". Seven years later, she moved back to the States, to Houston, TX and lived with her mother. During high school she developed an infatuation with anatomy and sexuality, which can be clearly seen in her magnificently detailed drawings. Now, it's rather curious that both the Catholic Church and sexuality inspired her artwork. A beautiful oxymoron in itself. Her deviantart is MissElephante.

The Revelation

Erotica: Mind Rape


Inspiration of the day



Zdzislaw Beksinski

Rodolfo Marron: mystic rituals (and rainbow menstruation?)

Couldn't find much information on this wonderful artist, but he's included in some articles about artists from Kansas City, so I'm assuming he's from there. (Some of) his artwork depicts mysterious rituals around rainbow vaginas with cloaked skulls dancing around colorful fires and teepees, with the name of his artwork such as "Cosmic Vaginal Light", "Lizards Licking Luscious Ladies" and "Dance of the Womb" (shown below). The last pages of his flickr portfolio also display rather humorous work with the same characters and others, with "Jizz Iz What It Iz", "Come to Momma", "Head Up Ur Ass" and "Shitz" as entertaining titles.

Chief God

Fire in the Ocean

Dance of the Womb

Ghost Dance Animals

Marron also has a blogspot.

September 26, 2011

Leif Podhajsky

You might recognize Leif Podhajsky's work from his album covers for Tame Impala and other bands, such as The Vines and Gypsy & The Cat. His work is a digital visionary delicacy, uniting various dimensions from this Universe and beyond.

Like him on Facebook.

Damian Michaels: Visionary extrodinaire

Born on the Eve of Halloween 1969 in the United States, Damian Michaels tells he had a spirit visitation from his deceased cousin Annie, at the age of 7. On his beinArt profile he states, "[...] Annie revealed my destiny and the future of our planet through a series of intense visions. Although always having a connection with the spirit realm since those early years, the main form of contact with the 'other side' in my adult life has been primarily through my art, where I am more medium than artist, bringing forth that which wants to be manifest through me."

Michaels migrated to Australia in 1994 and started his own magazine, called Art Visionary, " to collect with those of like mind and to share our collective vision with the world." He also says something rather lovely about visionary art: "it's the spiritual, psychological and emotional mirror to the collective consciousness." He ends his profile description with, "This reflection (our art) of our inner most core reveals those dualities of dark and light, good and evil, fears and hopes and ultimately a way to find the balance and transcend the path of materialism and destruction humanity has chosen to embrace."

My Conscience

A New Dawn

A Higher Consciousness


His flickr not only includes his work but also artists displayed in his magazine.

Totemica: morbid, omnipotent ladies

Totemica is a female artist from Verona, Italy. I couldn't find much information on her influences or her story, but do check her out on blogspot, tumblr, deviantart, and flickr. She's also a master at tattoo designs and peculiar sculptures that can only be the siblings of her drawings.

New Eyes





Hello everyone (which by this point is no one). I've just started this blog to share my favorite artists, images, and other things with the world wide web!
I hope this blog grows quickly :)